Live A Happy Healthy Life
Want to Improve Your Performance in the Bedroom?
Sleep is something that we all need and cannot live without. Some of us are very good at it whilst for others, it can be the cause of serious stress.
Tennis Elbow
It is a really common condition that affects people from all walks of life whether you’re Roger Federer, the weekend warrior or even a desk worker. It affects... you guessed
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracic outlet syndrome is an impingement condition that can result in numbness and tingling into the hands and forearms. It can be caused by a variety of factors, the main
PART 2: WARMING UP We are now moving quickly through the football and netball seasons, and if you’re anything like me, you’re starting to feel the effects a tough game
Sitting is Dangerous to Your Health!
Sitting places 40% more pressure on your spine than standing. This can increase to a whopping 90% more pressure if you’re also slouching when you sit!! By now, some
Below Your Low Back Pain
The Sacroiliac Joint is the joint where the sacrum (area below the lower back) meets the pelvis. We each have a left and a right sacroiliac joint and these joints
Shoulder Pain
We rely on having a huge range of movement out of our shoulders. We reach up to hang washing out, we reach into the backseat of our cars, and some
Heat Vs Ice? When Should I Use Heat or is Ice Better?
Heat and cold therapy can often be helpful with managing your pain, but which one is best? Pain is never fun. Muscle pain, joint pain and injuries are a part
Stretching: Preparation and Recovery for Game Day
Unfortunately most of us just can’t move around like we used to when we were kids. Remember the days of running around like a headless chook without so much as